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Alăturați-vă nouă în misiunea noastră de a ajuta organizațiile să economisească din costurile software!

„Suntem o companie de brokeraj software, specializată în cumpărarea de produse software redundante și vânzarea lor către noi proprietari. Motto-ul nostru 'Same value, better price' reflectă dedicarea noastră de a oferi un software cu cerere mare la prețuri foarte accesibile. Aici la Forscope, ne mândrim cu promovarea unui mediu de echipă internațional prietenos și de susținere. De asemenea, punem accent pe deschiderea și încurajarea ideilor noi, astfel încât fiecare să poată contribui la dezvoltarea afacerii noastre și la eforturile echipei!”

Jakub Šulák, Președinte al Consiliului de administrație

  • 10+

    ani pe piață

  • 9

    piețe UE

  • 50+

    de oameni

  • 50 000+

    de clienți B2B

  • 15


Viața la Forscope

    Cine au avut deja încredere în noi

    • qFort_300x225px.jpg QFORT
    • _0014_Puls Printing.jpg PULS printing
    • DPD-logo_300x225px.jpg DPD
    • brat.png Biroul Roman de Audit Transmedia
    • _0026_Matrax Distributors.jpg Matrax Distributors

    Forscope prin ochii membrilor echipei noastre

    • Apreciez flexibilitatea programului de lucru și organizarea sarcinilor zilnice, atmosfera calmă și posibilitatea de a comunica cu clienți și colegi din toată Europa. Forscope nu este doar o companie în care oamenii lucrează, ci o experiență împărtășită cu prietenii.

      Lidia, Technical Support Manager
    • La Forscope, îmi place în special atmosfera de cooperare - dacă am nevoie de feedback sau de idei de brainstorming, echipa internă este întotdeauna de mare ajutor. Există, de asemenea, un spațiu mare pentru creativitate și toate ideile sunt luate în considerare într-o discuție deschisă!

      Filip, PR Consultant
    • Cooperarea cu Forscope are multe avantaje. Pentru mine, unele dintre acestea sunt relațiile de muncă plăcute și nivelul ridicat de flexibilitate. Este foarte interesant să lucrezi cu tineri profesioniști din toată Europa care au aceeași viziune, dar sunt foarte diferiți. Echipa internă îmi oferă un sprijin extraordinar și tot ceea ce am nevoie pentru a răspândi o vorbă bună despre Forscope în regiunea mea!

      Barbara, Country Manager | Croatia & Slovenia
    • Munca la Forscope aduce provocări interesante, precum și oportunități de autodepășire. Îmi place atmosfera deschisă din cadrul companiei. Cultura de lucru este la un nivel foarte ridicat, punându-se un accent deosebit pe echilibrul dintre viața profesională și cea privată. Mă bucur să fac parte din această comunitate internațională de profesioniști.

      Mateusz, Product Manager

    Explorați oportunitățile de muncă la Forscope

    We're Hiring: CTO (Remote) – Join Forscope and Drive Software Innovation!

    Are you a tech leader ready to make a real impact? Forscope, the largest software broker in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), is looking for a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to lead our innovative tech strategies. If you're passionate about driving digital transformation and saving clients money on software investments, this opportunity is for you!

    Why Forscope?

    Market Leader: As a Microsoft Partner and leading software broker, we empower businesses and public institutions across 9 CEE markets, including Romania.

    Innovative Solutions: We provide trusted, licensed software at competitive prices, focusing on cost optimization and legal compliance.

    Top-notch Security and Transparency: Our processes are audit-verified, ensuring maximum legal certainty and transparency in software purchasing and selling.

    Flexible IT Infrastructure Solutions: We offer tailored strategies—from 100% cloud to hybrid models and on-premise solutions—allowing businesses to optimize their IT costs.

    Benefits of Secondary Licenses: We help clients reduce their IT expenses by up to 50% through legal, verified used software licenses.

    What will be your key responsibilities:

    • Define and Implement IT Strategy: Lead the development of Forscope's comprehensive technology strategy, including innovative approaches to software licensing and cost optimization for our clients.
    • Manage Cloud and Hybrid Environments: Oversee cloud migration projects and cloud repatriation (back to on-premises) based on client needs, ensuring efficiency and system optimization.
    • Develop and Integrate IT Solutions: Create effective IT systems and processes for managing software licenses, maximizing ROI for clients, and adapting to fast-evolving trends like AI and sustainability in IT.
    • Optimize Software Costs: Collaborate with sales teams to analyze clients' software needs and recommend solutions that achieve significant cost savings while maintaining full legal compliance.
    • Ensure Legal Compliance: Play a critical role in ensuring that all software solutions provided to clients are fully licensed and comply with regulatory requirements, including the NIS2 Directive.
    • Lead IT Teams: Manage IT teams, fostering their professional growth and ensuring they deliver top-tier software solutions tailored to client needs.
    • Monitor Tech Trends: Stay up-to-date with new technology trends and innovations. Identify opportunities to incorporate new technologies into Forscope's offerings to secure a competitive advantage.
    • Support Business Growth: Work with sales and marketing teams to develop tech products and services that enhance client value and drive Forscope's international growth.

    What experience should you have:

    • Proven experience as a CTO, IT Director, or in a similar leadership role in the software industry.
    • Expertise in software licensing, cloud environments, and IT asset management.
    • Strong leadership skills with a passion for driving innovation and cost savings.
    • Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements related to software licensing.
    • Ability to work remotely and lead teams across different countries, with a focus on the Romanian market.

    What do you get in return:

    • Competitive Salary: A competitive package, including a fixed salary and a percentage of successful sales.
    • Work in a Fast-Growing Market: Be part of the fast-growing Polish B2B software licensing market, helping companies optimize their software licenses and reduce costs.
    • Professional Growth: Receive ongoing training and opportunities for career advancement.
    • Work-Life Balance: Enjoy flexible working hours and the option to work remotely or in a hybrid setup.
    • Unique Product Experience: Work with a distinctive product—used software licenses—that saves customers money and includes exciting buy-back opportunities.
    • Great Atmosphere: Be part of a friendly and supportive international team.
    • Team Activities: Participate in company-wide team activities and events.

    Ready to lead the charge? Apply today and join a team that's setting new standards in the software industry!

    Join Forscope as a Sales Manager and lead innovative used software licensing solutions in the Polish market. With our unique business model, offering "Same value, better price," you'll drive business development and foster enduring relationships in a supportive, flexible work environment. Embrace the freedom of remote work while championing cost-effective software options that cater to diverse business needs. If you're passionate about IT, thrive in dynamic settings, and have a knack for sales and strategic growth, we want you on our team.

    What will be your key responsibilities:

    • Develop and execute business strategies to enhance Forscope's presence in the Polish market, focusing on mid to large-sized B2B customers.
    • Manage sales process for used perpetual licenses and hybrid solutions of Microsoft / Autodesk products, from initial contact to finalizing deals.
    • Establish and nurture long-lasting relationships with clients and partners, providing effective communication and solutions tailored to their needs.
    • Continuously assess market conditions and customer needs to adapt strategies and optimize results.
    • Work closely with the support and operations teams to align sales strategies with broader company objectives and ensure client satisfaction.
    • Represent Forscope at industry events and through various media to strengthen brand

    What experience should you have:

    • Has a robust background in sales or business development, preferably in the B2B ICT sector, with at least 3 years of experience.
    • Is a proactive "sales hunter", ready to pursue leads and close deals actively.
    • Possesses a consultative and educational approach to sales.
    • Is keen on software or IT innovations.
    • Is a native Polish speaker with strong English communication skills.

    What do you get in return:

    Perks of joining us:

    • Work in the fast-growing Polish B2B software licensing market, helping companies optimize their software licenses and reduce costs.
    • Competitive Salary: We offer an attractive progressive bonus system based on sales. During the initial period, we also provide financial support in the form of a fixed base salary.
    • Professional Growth: Receive ongoing training and opportunities for career advancement.
    • Work-Life Harmony: Benefit from flexible working hours and the option to work remotely or in a hybrid setup.
    • Be Part of Our Unique Product Journey: Experience the thrill of working with a distinctive product—used software licenses—that not only saves money for our customers but also involves exciting buy-back opportunities.
    • A great atmosphere of a very friendly and supportive international team.
    • Company-wide team activities.

    Inca nu ai gasit o oportunitate, dar iti surade ideea de a te alatura echipei Forscope? Povesteste-ne care e experienta ta si ce job preferi, e posibil sa gasim ceva pentru tine!

    Ce este nou la Forscope

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